We have chosen ecological systems. The goal is crucial in our present way of living as more and more people live in an urban environment. When we live in a city we are dependent on infrastructure, i.e. when we transport ourselves, and we also need to consider air quality, noise, and social interactions with many other people. In cities there is usually a scarcity of natural ecological systems. Sometimes science centers act as a resource to be able to experience natural habitats.


Firstly, we will explore nature close to our school, i.e. observe natural phenomena in a science center. How do we for instance connect to plants and animals? How do we understand the interdependency in an ecological system? We will spend time on a regular basis in our closest science center, ‘Universeum’. We will also grow our own urban garden in a small scale, in order to make clear connections between what we grow and what we eat.


We want to learn how to take care of our environment, both local and global. We live in a city, so we need to further explore what specific tools we can use in a city to maintain a sustainable lifestyle. It can be about recycling, growing food and transportation. Our specific aim with working on this goal is to find ways to experience nature, both local, but also from a rainforest, in order to understand life cycles and different habitats.

ownerABCProject 19