Our ABC Project is about growing food through the integration of permaculture. Uganda as a developing county has managed to have most of the children going to school with the establishment of The Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE) in Uganda.

Lamentably, the country suffers from unemployment due to theoretical education system thus more job seekers than creators. Therefore, we choose to remedy this by integrating practical permacultural skills and other vocational studies on top of the national syllabus to enable our students to become entrepreneurs after school.


Teachers and students share the same vision of the Integrated Land Use Design process (ILUD), with an aim of acquiring permaculture skills through growing vegetables, fruits and other food stuffs. This helps to reduce school budget constraints.

We encourage them to do the same at home, organize trainings and experience sharing meeting for them and their parents with a hope that they can use the skills to generate money to help them to stay in school and sustain them after school.


After the process of consecutive trainings and practices, we’re sure that our students, parents and teachers have all the knowledge and skills they need to creatively apply in the community and be able to start their own jobs thus curbing unemployment which has retarded our development as a country.

We are happy to share this ILUD knowledge and experience with other partner schools in Zambia and Kenya. We teach them by Google Hangout, Skype and WhatsApp together with the passionate ILUD professionals in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Zambia who guide us during this ABC Project. So that our partner schools can benefit from it and spread their ILUD experience with others in their own country.

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