We have chosen to fight poverty. In Nepal about 25% of Nepalese population live below poverty line. They even don’t have enough money to buy their daily needs of bread and butter, and face difficulties and struggles every day to fulfill their basic needs. They even die of minor curable diseases as they lack financial support for medication.

Thus, we chose this goal for ABC Project so that we could have a small contribution to help them. We felt that it is our duty to help those who are poor and in need.


Our Team of teachers and students made handicrafts such as paper flowers, bracelets, photo frames and candles. We sold them during the exhibition organized by School in order to collect some fund so that we could buy things that are useful for the old-age citizens who were rescued from the streets by MANAW SEWA ASHRAM. We also collected donations from teachers and parents as per their wish.


After collection of money we bought steel plates, electric heater as their demand and some food items and handed over to MANAW SEWA ASHRAM. Our main reason behind choosing this project was to try to show love, care and compassion to the helpless and needy. We are sure we can’t alleviate poverty by this small step. It is just a little step towards practicing an act of kindness with no expectation in return.

We hope this project may influence ourselves and others to help eradicate poverty from our country someday.

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